In a business with wafer-thin margins, one of the few costs you can really control is fuel. CMV Truck & Bus can prepare you with Fuel Solution coaching, advice and technology for your Mack Truck. Find out more about how you can cut your fuel costs by 5%, year-in, year-out.
How Mack fuel solutions work for you
Mack Trucks fuel solution program, is designed to use the data captured by your Mack’s Telematic, Fuel & Environment package to give you insights into how your drivers are using fuel. At CMV Truck & Bus, our Mack Specialist can provide you and your drivers' one-on-one coaching and online tools you need to get your fuel consumption down. Each of your drivers can save thousands of dollars in fuel costs every year, simply by driving more economically. This comes down to knowing how to get the most out of the truck by using proven, yet simple techniques. At CMV Truck & Bus, your dedicated Mack Fuel Solutions Manager will also send you regular professionally-analysed fuel consumption reports, summarising their findings and saving you the time and effort. Like to learn more about Mack Telematics click here to find out more.

Unmatched power, leaders in fuel efficiency
Not only is the Mack engine the heart of the legend, but they are also renowned across the truck industry for its power, reliability and fuel efficiency. Mack Trucks' engines and transmission are fuel-efficient, and the mDrive will help your truck to driver better and have even better fuel consumption. The improved MP engines burn cleaner and more fuel-efficient than ever before. The Mack MP8 and Mp10 engine is part of the fully integrated Mack driveline providing superior performance, reliability and lower maintenance. Providing your business optimum performance, payload and fuel economy with impressive torque.